Enjoyable Indoor Games For Kids 2

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1. Balance beam:

Balancing beam is easier to set up than you think. All you need is some colored sticky tape, and you’re good to play for hours.

You will need:

Colored mask tape (multiple colors for more fun)
Space to play

How to:

Clear some space in a room and clean the floor.
Stick the length of the tape to create straight or curved lines to walk on.
You can use multiple colors and have unique rules for how the child can walk on them. For example, if the tape is blue, the kid has to walk with one hand on his head, or if it is green, he has to limp the stretch.
The child has to follow the rules and walk only on the tape and not on open land! If he does, he’s out.
The child who walks the length of the tape without stepping on the bare floor wins.

Quick Tip:

You can make different variations of this game by using multiple colored masking tapes and creating different patterns. You can also make it more interesting by making the child walk backward.

2. Ball and cup game

Teach your child to make a cup-and-ball game toy with everyday things at home. Read to know more.

You will need:

A plastic water bottle
Ping pong ball
String or yarn
Screw eye hook

How to:

Pick a bottle, such as the one that has a wide bottom and a narrow opening.
Keep the narrow opening closed with a lid, and cut the bottom to create a wide opening.
Poke a small opening in the ping pong ball to insert the screw eye hook.
Tie one end of the yarn to the hook and the other end to the bottle. You can take the cap off the bottle, put the yarn in, and put the lid back to tie the yarn to the bottle.
Your DIY cup-and-ball toy is ready to play.
Make this toy once, and your child can play it indoors, anytime he wants. He can play it alone or take turns to play with friends.

Quick Tip:

You can even use non-toxic spray paints to color the bottle any way you want.

3. Indoor bowling

Bad weather ruining your bowling plans? Create your own bowling alley in your hallway. Here is how?

You will need:

Ten empty water bottles or soda cans
Tennis ball or a plastic bowling ball
Space to play
Masking tape
Black or white non-toxic, spray paint

How to:

Use the masking tape to create a bowling lane. Keep in mind the age and the physical abilities of the child to determine how long the lane needs to be.
Peel the wrappers off the bottles or soda cans and paint them. Let them dry.
Arrange the bottles in order at the end of the lane.
Let the child use a tennis ball or plastic ball (slightly bigger than the tennis ball) to strike all the bottles or pins.

Quick Tip:

You can also use a bowling game toy set if you have one. You can also tweak the rules to make the activity more exciting for the child.

Опубликовано Aug 28, 2019 11:15 , Обновлено Aug 28, 2019 11:15